At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Colon Medical Information. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Colon (Large Intestine): Function, Anatomy & Definition
- The colon’s job is to dehydrate what’s left of the food and form it into stool. It does this by slowly absorbing water and electrolytes as its muscle system moves the waste along. Meanwhile, bacteria living in your colon feed on the waste and break it down further, …
Colon: Function, Anatomy, and More - Verywell Health
Picture of the Human Colon Anatomy & Common Colon …
The Colon: What it is, What it Does
- The colon is also known as the large bowel or large intestine. It is an organ that is part of the digestive system (also called the digestive tract) in the human body. The …
Colon cancer - Symptoms and causes
- Colon cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the large intestine (colon). The colon is the final part of the digestive tract. Colon cancer typically affects older …
Colon anatomy: Pictures, features, and function
- The colon is part of the digestive system. It helps the body absorb water and nutrients from food before excreting the waste. It is made up of muscle and located just …
10 Interesting Facts About Your Colon
- Your colon, or large intestine, stretches from the end of your small intestine to your anus. In order, the parts of the large intestine are: 2 Cecum Ascending colon …
Colonoscopy - Mayo Clinic
- A colonoscopy (koe-lun-OS-kuh-pee) is an exam used to look for changes — such as swollen, irritated tissues, polyps or cancer — in the large intestine (colon) …
Inflamed Colon: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
- Colitis is a general term for the inflammation of the colon’s inner lining, which is your large intestine. There are different types of colitis categorized by cause. Infections, …
Basic Information About Colorectal Cancer | CDC
- Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. When cancer starts in the colon or rectum, it is called colorectal cancer. Sometimes it is called colon cancer, for …
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