At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Condition Medical Patent Urachus. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Urachal Abnormalities | UCSF Department of Urology
- A patent urachus can cause varying amounts of clear urine to leak at the umbilicus. Urachal sinus. This occurs when the urachus did not seal close to the umbilicus and leads to a blind ending tract from the umbilicus into the urachus called a sinus. These can be …
Patent urachus repair: MedlinePlus Medical …
- Patent urachus repair. Patent urachus repair is surgery to fix a bladder defect. In an open (or patent) urachus, there is an opening between the bladder and the belly button …
Patent Urachus - DoveMed
- When Patent Urachus is asymptomatic, it is usually detected incidentally on ultrasound scans that are performed for other medical conditions. How is Patent …
Patent urachus | Radiology Reference Article
- A patent urachus is often diagnosed in neonates when urine is noted leaking from the umbilicus. The umbilicus may also have an abnormal appearance on …
Patent Urachus - PubMed
- Patent urachus refers to one condition in a rare spectrum of disorders referred to as urachal anomalies. These conditions result from the failure of the …
Patent urachus | Radiology Reference Article
- A patent urachus is often diagnosed in neonates when urine is noted leaking from the umbilicus. The umbilicus may also have an abnormal appearance on …
Patent urachus | definition of patent urachus by Medical …
- patent urachus: [ u´rah-kus ] a fetal canal connecting the bladder with the allantois, persisting throughout life as a cord (median umbilical ligament). adj., adj u´rachal. patent …
Pathology Outlines - Urachus and patent urachus
- Urachus - definition. Vestigial structure, 3-10 cm, located in a preperitoneal pyramid-shaped area formed by the bladder dome (base) and the obliterated umbilical …
Medical Definition of Patent urachus - MedicineNet
- Medical Definition of Patent urachus. Patent urachus: A surgery to repair a bladder defect. In an open (patent) urachus, there is an opening between the bladder …
Urachal Abnormalities - Urology Care Foundation
- Before birth, there is a canal between the belly button and the bladder called the urachus. In most cases this canal goes away before birth. But sometimes part of the urachus …
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