At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Congenital Anomaly Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Congenital anomalies - World Health Organization
    More. Congenital anomalies can be defined as structural or functional anomalies that occur during intrauterine life. Also called birth defects, congenital disorders, or congenital malformations, these conditions develop prenatally and may be identified …

1.4 Congenital Anomalies - Definitions | CDC
    1.4 Congenital Anomalies - Definitions. Congenital anomalies comprise a wide range of abnormalities of body structure or function that are present at birth and are …

Congenital anomaly | definition of congenital anomaly by …
    congenital anomaly: [ ah-nom´ah-le ] marked deviation from normal. adj., adj anom´alous. Axenfeld's anomaly a developmental anomaly characterized by a circular opacity of the …

Birth defects - World Health Organization
    Birth defects are also known as congenital abnormalities, congenital disorders or congenital malformations. They can be defined as structural or functional …

Birth Defects and Congenital Anomalies - Boston …
    A birth defect is a health problem or a physical abnormality. It can be very mild or severe. Some birth defects are life-threatening, in which case a baby may only live for a few …

Medical Definition of Congenital anomaly - MedicineNet
    Congenital anomaly: Something that is unusual or different at birth. A minor anomaly is defined as an unusual anatomic feature that is of no serious medical or …

Medical Terminology - Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet
    Congenital anomaly. Abnormality present at birth; birth defect. Connective tissue. Tissue that supports and binds other tissues and parts. Examples are bones, cartilage, muscle, …

Congenital | definition of Congenital by Medical dictionary
    congenital [kon-jen´ĭ-t'l] existing at, and usually before, birth; referring to conditions that are present at birth, regardless of their causation. Cf. hereditary. congenital heart defect a …

Developmental Venous Anomalies | Johns …
    A developmental venous anomaly (DVA) is an unusual or irregular arrangement of small veins that may look like the spokes of a wheel. The veins drain into a larger central …

Medical Definition of Anomaly, congenital - MedicineNet
    Medical Definition of Anomaly, congenital. Anomaly, congenital: A birth defect. A minor congenital anomaly is an unusual anatomic feature such as a short …

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