At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Contour Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Contour | definition of contour by Medical dictionary
    con·tour. ( kon'tūr ), 1. The outline of a part; the surface configuration. 2. In dentistry, to restore the normal outlines or form of a tooth, or to create the external shape or form of a prosthesis. [L. con- (intens.), + torno, to turn (in a lathe), fr. tornus, a lathe] Farlex Partner …

Contour Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    con· tour ˈkän-ˌtu̇r. Synonyms of contour. 1. : an outline especially of a curving or irregular figure : shape. the sleek contours of the car. The map shows the contour of …

Contours | definition of contours by Medical dictionary
    con·tour. ( kon'tūr) 1. In dentistry, to restore normal outlines or form of a tooth or create external shape or form of a prosthesis. 2. The outline of a part; the surface …

Body Contouring | Johns Hopkins Medicine
    Body contouring surgeries can include panniculectomy (removal of excess skin in the lower abdominal region), abdominoplasty ( tummy tuck ), liposuction and …

Body Contouring: What Is It, Benefits, Risks & Recovery
    Body contouring, or body sculpting, is a medical or surgical procedure that aims to reshape an area of the body. It may involve procedures to: Get rid of extra skin. …

Nonsurgical Body Contouring - Healthline
    Nonsurgical body contouring is also known as nonsurgical fat reduction. There are a variety of nonsurgical fat reduction procedures. These procedures reduce or …

Abdominal Contour Overview - Causes, …
    Having a defined and noticeable six pack is almost equivalent to sainthood. Anyone who wants to look ripped may consider an abdominal contouring procedure …

Chest X-ray Anatomy - Mediastinal contours - Radiology …
    The contour of the descending thoracic aorta can be seen in continuation from the aortic knuckle Displacement or loss of definition of these contours can indicate diseases such …

Chapter Medical Terminology and Anatomy Review - Enos …
    4. Hysterosalpingogram report: “Right cornual contour abnormality.” What is the cornua referred to? Answer: The cornua is where the fallopian tubes connect to the fundus. 5. …

Contour Definition & Meaning |
    contour / ( ˈkɒntʊə) / noun the outline of a mass of land, figure, or body; a defining line See contour line (as modifier) a contour map (often plural) the shape or surface, esp of a …

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