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Contour | definition of contour by Medical dictionary
    con·tour. ( kon'tūr ), 1. The outline of a part; the surface configuration. 2. In dentistry, to restore the normal outlines or form of a tooth, or to create the external shape or form of a prosthesis. [L. con- (intens.), + torno, to turn (in a lathe), fr. tornus, a lathe] Farlex …

Medical Dictionary - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Dictionary Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the reference experts at Merriam-Webster. Master today's …

Contours | definition of contours by Medical dictionary
    con·tour. ( kon'tūr) 1. In dentistry, to restore normal outlines or form of a tooth or create external shape or form of a prosthesis. 2. The outline of a part; the surface …

Contouring | definition of contouring by Medical dictionary
    con·tour. ( kon'tūr) 1. In dentistry, to restore normal outlines or form of a tooth or create external shape or form of a prosthesis. 2. The outline of a part; the surface configuration. …

Contour Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    con· tour ˈkän-ˌtu̇r. Synonyms of contour. 1. : an outline especially of a curving or irregular figure : shape. the sleek contours of the car. The map shows the contour of the …

Proximal contour | definition of proximal contour by …
    Looking for online definition of proximal contour in the Medical Dictionary? proximal contour explanation free. What is proximal contour? Meaning of proximal contour medical term. …

Over contour | definition of over contour by Medical …
    Looking for online definition of over contour in the Medical Dictionary? over contour explanation free. What is over contour? Meaning of over contour medical term.

Medical Dictionary
    The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary is ideal for both medical professionals and anyone who wants to keep up with the burgeoning array of …

Height of contour | definition of height of contour by …
    height of contour the measurement of a tooth from the lingual to the vestibular surface at its greatest bulge. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, …

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