At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Convalescent Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Convalescent Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    1 : recovering from sickness or debility : partially restored to health or strength convalescent patients 2 : of, for, or relating to convalescence or convalescents convalescent stages a convalescent ward convalescently adverb convalescent 2 of 2 noun : one recovering …

Convalescent Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    intransitive verb : to recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness He is convalescing from influenza. convalescence ˌkän-və-ˈle-sᵊn (t)s noun convalescent ˌkän …

Convalescent | definition of convalescent by Medical …
    convalescent. [ kon″vah-les´ent] 1. pertaining to or characterized by convalescence. 2. a patient who is recovering from a disease, operation, or injury. Miller-Keane …

CONVALESCENT definition | Cambridge English Dictionary
    convalescent noun [ C ] us / ˌkɑːn.vəˈles. ə nt / uk / ˌkɒn.vəˈles. ə nt / someone who is getting better after a serious illness or injury: Most convalescents prefer to be cared for at …

Convalescence | definition of convalescence by Medical …
    A period between the end of a disease and the patient's restoration to complete health. [L. convalesco, to grow strong, fr. valeo, to be strong] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © …

Convalescent - definition of convalescent by The Free …
    convalesce ( konvəˈles) verb to recover health and strength after an illness. He is convalescing in the country. convalecer, recuperarse ˌconvaˈlescent noun a person who …

Convalescent Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
    1 : going through the process of becoming well again after an illness or injury the convalescent stage of his treatment The nurse tended to the convalescent …

Convalescent plasma therapy - Mayo Clinic
    Convalescent plasma (kon-vuh-LES-unt PLAZ-muh) therapy uses blood from people who've recovered from an illness to help others recover. The U.S. Food …

What does COVID convalesced mean? - News | UAB
    At UAB Hospital, the term “COVID convalesced” is used when a patient is no longer considered infectious to others and can be moved out of a COVID-specific care unit, but is still sick and …

What Is a Convalescent Home? -
    A convalescent home is a type of medical facility where people can stay in a comfortable environment while they recover from injuries and illnesses. It can be a …

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