At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Cor Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Cor | definition of cor by Medical dictionary
    Acute cor pulmonale is an emergency situation arising from a sudden dilatation of the right ventricle as a result of pulmonary embolism. Chronic cor pulmonale develops gradually and is associated with such chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases as …

COR Medical Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
    Cervico-Ocular Reflex. Health, Neuroscience. Health, Neuroscience. Vote. 3. Vote. COR. Conditioned Orientation Reflex. Otolaryngology, Health, Healthcare.

Cor- | definition of cor- by Medical dictionary
    cor; cor-cor biloculare; cor mobile; cor pendulum; cor pulmonale; cor triatriatum; cor triloculare; cor triloculare biatriatum; cor triloculare biventriculare; coracidium; …

Cor Pulmonale: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

    Cor Pulmonale: Causes, Symptoms, How to Treat It, and …
      Cor pulmonale is a loosely defined term that describes the change in structure or function of the right ventricle of the heart. The right ventricle of the heart is responsible for carrying...

    Medical Terminology Unit 3 Eyes/Ears Word Parts - Quizlet
      cornea. cycl/o. ciliary body or muscle of the eye. dacry/o, lacrim/o. tears, tear duct. ir/o, irid/o. iris of eye. ocul/o, ophthalm/o, opt/o, optic/o. eye, vision.

    COR Healthcare Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
      18 meanings of COR abbreviation related to Healthcare: Vote. 3. Vote. COR. Crude Odds Ratio + 1. Arrow. Medical, Health, Public Health. Medical, Health, Public Health.

    Difference between Cor & Code? - General Nursing, …
      what is COR? Is that like RRT? Flo., BSN, RN 571 Posts Specializes in Developmental Disabilites,. Has 7 years experience. Oct 8, 2011 A cor is an older version …

    Quia - Medical Terminology Combining Forms
      cor/o: pupil: corne/o: cornea: coron/o: heart: cortic/o: cortex, outer region: cost/o: ribs: crani/o: cranium (skull) crin/o: secrete: crin/o: To secrete: cry/o: cold: crypt/o: …

    Comorbidity: What to Know - WebMD
      A complication is a side effect or medical problem that you may develop during a disease or after a procedure or treatment. It may be caused by the disease, procedure, or treatment, …

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