At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Corium Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Corium | definition of corium by Medical dictionary
    A layer of skin composed of two zones: a superficial thin layer that interdigitates with the epidermis, the stratum papillare, and the deeper and coarser stratum reticulare; it contains blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves and nerve endings, glands, and, except on …

Corium Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    corium noun co· ri· um ˈkȯr-ē-əm plural coria ˈkȯr-ē-ə : dermis Word History Etymology New Latin, from Latin, leather — more at cuirass First Known Use 1836, in the meaning …

Coronary corium | definition of coronary corium by …
    A layer of skin composed of two zones: a superficial thin layer that interdigitates with the epidermis, the stratum papillare, and the deeper and coarser stratum reticulare; it …

Corium Definition & Meaning |
    corium / ( ˈkɔːrɪəm) / noun plural -ria (-rɪə) Also called: derma, dermis the deep inner layer of the skin, beneath the epidermis, containing connective tissue, blood vessels, and fat …

Corium - definition of corium by The Free Dictionary
    corium ( ˈkɔːrɪəm) n, pl -ria ( -rɪə) 1. (Anatomy) Also called: derma or dermis the deep inner layer of the skin, beneath the epidermis, containing connective tissue, blood vessels, and …

Learn About Corium |
    Corium Definition. Corium, also known as the dermis, is a deep inner layer of the skin that comprises connective tissue, blood vessels, and fat and sits underneath the …

Foot corium | definition of foot corium by Medical dictionary
    A layer of skin composed of two zones: a superficial thin layer that interdigitates with the epidermis, the stratum papillare, and the deeper and coarser stratum reticulare; it …

What is the definition of Corium? |
    The cutis vera, or the thickest part of the human skin. The true skin; derma or cutis vera. The dense feltlike membranous layer of the skin, covered on the ectal or free surface by …

What is Corium - Definition - Nuclear Power
    Corium, also called fuel-containing material (FCM), is a lava-like material created in the core of a nuclear reactor during a meltdown accident. It consists of: mixture of nuclear fuel and …

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