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Cremaster Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    cremaster noun cre· mas· ter krē-ˈmas-tər, krə- : a thin muscle consisting of loops of fibers derived from the internal oblique muscle and descending upon the spermatic cord to surround and suspend the testicle called also cremaster muscle cremasteric ˌkrē-mə …

Cremaster muscle | definition of cremaster muscle by …
    cre·mas·ter mus·cle. [TA] origin, continuation of fibers from inferiormost internal oblique muscle and slips arising from the inguinal ligament; insertion, becomes …

Cremaster: Origin, insertion, innervation, action | Kenhub
    Cremaster muscle (Musculus cremaster) Cremaster is a paired muscle of the pelvis and perineum that is fully developed only in the external genitalia of males. …

Cremaster | definition of cremaster by Medical dictionary
    cre·mas·ter mus·cle. ( krē-mas'tĕr mŭs'ĕl) [TA] Origin, from internal oblique muscle and inguinal ligament; insertion, cremasteric fascia (spermatic cord); action, raises testicle; …

Cremaster Muscle Function, Anatomy & Diagram | Body …
    The cremaster muscle is found only within the male human body and covers the testis. The muscle moves the testis, promoting …

Cremaster muscle - Wikipedia
    The cremaster muscle is a paired structure made of thin layers of striated and smooth muscle that covers the testis and the spermatic cord in human males. It consists of the …

Scrotum: Anatomy and Function, Diagram, Conditions, …
    The scrotum is a sac of skin that hangs from the body at the front of the pelvis, between the legs. It sits next to the upper thighs, just below the penis. The scrotum contains the testicles....

Cremaster muscle | Radiology Reference Article
    The cremaster muscle is the thin fascial muscle of the spermatic cord made of skeletal muscle. It is also referred to as cremaster fascia or simply the cremaster . Its …

Cremaster Muscle: Function, Location & Definition
    Cremaster Muscle: Definition The cremaster muscle (also known as the cremaster fascia) is a thin muscle that surrounds each of the testicles and the spermatic cord in men. The...

Cremaster muscle - definition of Cremaster muscle by …
    cremaster ( krɪˈmæstə) n the muscle which raises and lowers the testiclesthe hook-like protuberance at the end of a chrysalis from which it hangs Collins English Dictionary – …

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