At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Crocodile Tears Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Crocodile Tears Syndrome - PubMed
- The term “crocodile tears” is derived from the ancient belief that crocodiles weep after killing their victims. “crocodile tears syndrome,” also known as Bogorad …
Medical Definition of Crocodile tears syndrome
- Crocodile tears syndrome: Spontaneous tearing in parallel with the normal salivation of eating. The crocodile tears syndrome occurs most often following …
Crocodile tears syndrome | definition of crocodile
- croc·o·dile tears syn·drome ( krok'ŏ-dīl tērz sin'drōm) A flow of tears, usually unilateral, on eating or the anticipation of eating; this happens when nerve fibers originally destined for …
Crocodile tears | definition of crocodile tears by Medical …
- ' Crocodile tears ' which means 'hypocritical sorrow' refers to the liquid coming from a crocodile's eyes when consuming it's prey. In name only animal words Rather than crying …
Crocodile tears - Wikipedia
- Crocodile tears, or superficial sympathy, is a false, insincere display of emotion such as a hypocrite crying fake tears of grief. The phrase derives from an ancient belief that …
Crocodile tears Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- crocodile tears plural noun : false or affected tears also : hypocritical sorrow Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web Kristol would not brook being lectured …
Tears - Wikipedia
- Tears are made up of water, electrolytes, proteins, lipids, and mucins that form layers on the surface of eyes. [2] The different types of tears—basal, reflex, and …
[Crocodile tears syndrome] - PubMed
- The syndrome of crocodile tears, or Bogorad's syndrome is a rare complication of the facial paralysis. It's characterized by lachrymation on the same side of the palsy in connection …
Crocodile tears - definition of crocodile tears by The Free …
- 1. crocodile tears - a hypocritical display of sorrow; false or insincere weeping; "the secretaries wept crocodile tears over the manager's dilemma"; "politicians shed …
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