At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Cyclotorsion Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Cyclotorsion | definition of cyclotorsion by Medical dictionary
    Cyclotorsion of the eye (rotation) is very common when patients lie down and as a result it is important for surgeons to have accurate ways of marking the eye so that the correct axis of astigmatism is targeted surgically when the patient invariably is lying down for the …

Cycloduction | definition of cycloduction by Medical …
    cy·clo·duc·tion ( sī'klō-dŭk'shŭn ), Rotation of the eye around its visual axis. Synonym (s): circumduction (2) [TA], cyclotorsion [cyclo- + L. duco, pp. ductus, to draw] Farlex …

Excyclotorsion | definition of excyclotorsion by Medical …
    ex·tor·sion ( eks-tōr'shŭn ), 1. Conjugate rotation of the upper poles of each cornea outward. Synonym (s): excyclotorsion 2. Outward rotation of a limb or of an organ. [L. extorsio, fr. …

Ocular cyclotorsion according to body position and flap …
    Purpose: To evaluate the degree and direction of ocular cyclotorsion according to body position and flap creation before laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Setting: …

[Cyclotorsions] - PubMed
    Cyclotorsions are movements of cyclorotation of the eyes (in- or ex-cycloversions or vergences) and positions of cyclotorsion (in- or ex-cyclotorsion or cyclodeviation). …

Measurement of cyclotorsion - PubMed
    Purpose: To measure accurately the amount of cyclotorsion. Methods: The slit light will normally cross between the middle and lower thirds of the disk. Cyclotorsion of the eye …

Cyclotorsion: Definition with Cyclotorsion Pictures and Photos
    Medical Definition of Cyclotorsion. 1. Rotation of the eye around its visual axis. Synonym: circumduction, cyclotorsion. Origin: cyclo-+ L. Duco, pp. Ductus, to draw (05 Mar 2000) …

Les cyclotorsions - EM consulte
    Cyclotorsions are movements of cyclorotation of the eyes (in- or ex-cycloversions or vergences) and positions of cyclotorsion (in- or ex-cyclotorsion or cyclodeviation). …

Cyclotron | definition of cyclotron by Medical dictionary
    cy·clo·tron ( sī'klō-tron ), An accelerator that produces high-speed ions (for example, protons and deuterons) under the influence of an alternating magnetic field, for …

Cyclothymic disorder | definition of cyclothymic disorder …
    1. a mental disorder characterized by noticeable, clinically significant swings of mood, largely unrelated to life events, from depression to hypomania, of lesser magnitude …

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