At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Dartos Muscle Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Dartos Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    noun dar· tos ˈdär-ˌtäs, ˈdärt-əs : a thin layer of vascular contractile tissue that contains smooth muscle fibers but no fat and is situated beneath the skin of the scrotum or beneath that of the labia majora Dictionary Entries Near dartos darmstadtium dartos darunavir …

Dartos muscle | definition of dartos muscle by Medical …
    dartos muscle. A thin layer of muscle lying immediately under the skin of the SCROTUM. The dartos tightens in the cold causing the skin to wrinkle and the testicles to …

Dartos muscle | Radiology Reference Article
    The dartos muscle is the thin rugated fascial muscle of the scrotum made of smooth muscle. Hence it is also referred to as dartos fascia or simply the dartos. It …

Scrotum: Anatomy, Location, and Function - Verywell …

    Musculus dartos | definition of musculus dartos by …
      dar·tos mus·cle. ( dahr'tōs mus'ĕl) Smooth muscle fibers interspersed within the dartos fascia (superficial fascia of scrotum), causing contraction of the scrotum, as when …

    Dartos - Wikipedia
      The dartos fascia or simply dartos is a layer of connective tissue found in the penile shaft, foreskin, scrotum and labia. [1] The penile portion is referred to as the superficial …

    Dartos muscle - definition of Dartos muscle by The Free …
      Dartos muscle - definition of Dartos muscle by The Free Dictionary Dartos (redirected from Dartos muscle) Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia. Dar´tos n. 1. …

    Dartos muscle | Article about Dartos muscle by The Free …
      muscle,the contractile tissue that effects the movement of and within the body. Muscle tissue in the higher animals is classified as striated, smooth, or cardiac, according to its …

    dartos muscle -
      Or: dartos / tunica dartos , the layer of contractible muscle fibers under the skin of the scrotum; they are involuntary muscle fibres that react to temperature and sexual …

    Cremaster Muscle Function & Location |
      The dartos muscle is composed of smooth muscle and is responsible for scrotal wrinkling. Illustration of Muscle and Other Tissue Locations within the Testes …

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