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Medical views on the death by crucifixion of Jesus Christ
- Yet for centuries, the manner of Jesus' death has remained a subject of controversy in academic and medical circles. Forensic pathologists and clinicians have argued for several hypotheses concerning Jesus' death, including pulmonary …
Medical views on the death by crucifixion of Jesus Christ
- The death of Jesus Christ remains a pivotal moment in world history and a symbol of love, mercy, and courage across the globe. Yet for centuries, the manner of Jesus’ death has …
What Is the Medical Account of the Crucifixion?
- “Common complications of hemorrhagic shock include kidney damage, other organ damage, death” plus potentially “gangrene due to decreased circulation to …
How did crucifixion kill? | Science | The Guardian
- Crucifixion was invented by the Persians in 300-400BC and developed, during Roman times, into a punishment for the most serious of criminals. The upright …
A Physician's View of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
- The common method of ending a crucifixion was by crurifracture, the breaking of the bones of the legs. This prevented the victim from pushing himself upward; thus the …
When You Understand it Medically, You'll Appreciate …
- It all punished Jesus' body with a shock so traumatic as to kill him hours sooner than most people crucified. The doctor explained shock would stop Christ's blood from clotting. "This is a very ominous …
10 Excruciating Medical Facts About The Crucifixion Of …
- Crucifixion was more painful than just feeling three nails. It was an excruciating way to suffer and to die. Aaron J. Daigle is a published author who blogs frequently and travels full-time as a public speaker in …
A (more accurate) Medical Account of the Crucifixion
- A combination of shock and suffocation killed most victims of crucifixion, but in Jesus’ case acute heart failure may have been the final trauma. This is suggested by his …
The history and pathology of crucifixion - PubMed
- Death, usually after 6 hours--4 days, was due to multifactorial pathology: after-effects of compulsory scourging and maiming, haemorrhage and dehydration causing …
Medical doctor walks through Jesus' death by crucifixion
- Many physicians have offered explanations as to the actual cause of Jesus’ death. They include the following: cardiac rupture, cardiac tamponade, myocardial …
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