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Birefringence Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    plural birefringences. 1. : the refraction of light in an anisotropic material (such as calcite) in two slightly different directions to form two rays. According to G. Blom of Philips, video disc acrylics must be optically clear and free of striations and birefringence. …

Birefringence | definition of birefringence by Medical …
    An optical property of materials in which the refractive index differs for light polarised in 1 plane compared to the normal (orthogonal) plane. Crossed Nicoll prisms cause …

Birefringence - Wikipedia

    birefringence | Taber's Medical Dictionary
      birefringence is a topic covered in the Taber's Medical Dictionary. To view the entire topic, please log in or purchase a subscription. Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary …

    Birefringence - definition of birefringence by The Free …
      n. the separation of a ray of light into two unequally refracted, plane-polarized rays of orthogonal polarizations, occurring in crystals in which the velocity of light rays is …

    Birefringence - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
      Birefringence is the phenomenon exhibited by certain materials in which an incident ray of light is split into two rays, called an ordinary ray and an extraordinary ray, which are plane …

    Birefringence - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
      Birefringence can be defined as the optical characters of a material having a refractive index which relies on the polarization and propagation direction of light (Stein & Norris, …

    Birefringence - Medical Dictionary
      Birefringence The property of nonisotropic media, such as crystals, whereby a single incident beam of light traverses the medium as two beams, each plane-polarized, the …

    Birefringence - Definition and Applications -
      Birefringence occurs when light passes through a transparent, molecularly ordered material, which exhibits orientation-dependent differences in refractive indices. …

    What is Birefringence? | OFH
      Applications Birefringence has several applications. It can be used to find defects in the manufacturing process, or identify weak spots in plastic structure …

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