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Intramural | definition of intramural by Medical dictionary
- intramural: [ in″trah-pah-ri´ĕ-tal ] 1. intramural . 2. within the parietal region of the brain.
Intramural Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- intramural: [adjective] being or occurring within the limits usually of a community, organization, or institution. competed only within the student body.
Intramurals | definition of Intramurals by Medical dictionary
- intramural. (ĭn′trə-myo͝or′əl) adj. 1. Existing or carried on within the bounds of an institution, especially a school: intramural athletics. 2. Anatomy Occurring or situated within the wall …
Intramural Definition & Meaning |
- Intramural definition, involving only students at the same school or college: intramural athletics. See more.
INTRAMURAL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
- intramural definition: 1. happening within or involving the members of one school, college, or university: 2. happening…. Learn more.
Intramural Fibroid: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment …
- Intramural fibroids have symptoms similar to those of other fibroid types. Many people experience mild symptoms, if any at all. Some experience more severe symptoms, including: pelvic pain. low ...
Intramural definition and meaning | Collins English …
- Intramural definition: Intramural activities happen within one college or university , rather than between... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
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