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Occlusion Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- oc· clu· sion ə-ˈklü-zhən 1 : the act of occluding or the state of being occluded : a shutting off or obstruction of something a coronary occlusion especially : a blocking of the central passage of one reflex by the passage of another 2 a : the bringing of the opposing …
Occlusion | definition of occlusion by Medical dictionary
- occlusion [ ŏ-kloo´zhun] 1. obstruction. 2. the trapping of a liquid or gas within cavities in a solid or on its surface. 3. the relation of the teeth of both jaws when in functional contact …
Occlusions | definition of occlusions by Medical dictionary
- occlusion [ ŏ-kloo´zhun] 1. obstruction. 2. the trapping of a liquid or gas within cavities in a solid or on its surface. 3. the relation of the teeth of both jaws when in functional contact …
OCCLUSION | definition in the Cambridge English …
- occlusion noun (BLOCK) [ C or U ] medical in medicine, something that blocks a tube or opening in the body, or when something is blocked or closed SMART Vocabulary: related …
Medical Definition of Occlusion - MedicineNet
- Medical Definition of Occlusion. MedTerms medical dictionary is the medical terminology for Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy …
Acute Arterial Occlusion: Causes, Symptoms
- Acute arterial occlusion is a blockage in one of your peripheral arteries that prevents blood from flowing to one of your limbs. It usually occurs in your legs, and blood clots …
Coronary occlusion | definition of coronary occlusion by …
- occlusion [ ŏ-kloo´zhun] 1. obstruction. 2. the trapping of a liquid or gas within cavities in a solid or on its surface. 3. the relation of the teeth of both jaws when in functional contact …
Arterial occlusion | definition of arterial occlusion by …
- A blockage of blood flow through an artery. It may be acute or chronic and occurs, for example, in coronary or in peripheral arteries. Patients with acute arterial occlusion have …
Cerebrovascular Occlusive Disease - Cleveland Clinic
- A piece of plaque breaks off and travels to the smaller arteries of the brain (also called embolization) The artery becomes extremely narrowed A clot forms and …
Vaso-occlusive Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
- va· so-oc· clu· sive -ə-ˈklü-siv : relating to, resulting from, or caused by occlusion of a blood vessel vaso-occlusive retinopathy a vaso-occlusive crisis characteristic of sickle cell …
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