At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Define Plaque Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Plaque | definition of plaque by Medical dictionary
    plaque ( plak) 1. A patch or small, differentiated area on a body surface (e.g., skin, mucosa, or arterial endothelium) or on the cut surface of an organ such as the brain. 2. An area of clearing in a flat, confluent growth of bacteria or tissue cells. 3. A sharply defined zone of …

Plaques | definition of Plaques by Medical dictionary
    plaque ( plak) 1. A patch or small, differentiated area on a body surface (e.g., skin, mucosa, or arterial endothelium) or on the cut surface of an organ such as the brain. 2. An area of …

Dental Plaque: What Is It, Causes, How to Remove, …
    What is plaque? Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that constantly forms on teeth. Bacteria in plaque produce acids after you eat or drink. These acids can destroy tooth enamel and …

Skin Plaque Appearance, Causes, and Diagnosis

    Plaque Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      1 a : an ornamental brooch especially : the badge of an honorary order b : a flat thin piece (as of metal) used for decoration c : a commemorative or identifying inscribed tablet 2 a : …

    Medical Definition of Plaque - MedicineNet
      Plaque:1. An semi-hardened accumulation of substances from fluids that bathe an area. Examples include dental plaque and cholesterol plaque. Minerals …

    What Is Arterial Plaque? - The Society for …
      Plaque in the arteries is a fatty, waxy substance that forms deposits in the artery wall. These deposits can narrow the artery and reduce blood flow. This is called atherosclerosis or “hardening …

    Dental Plaque : What it Is, What Causes …
      Plaque on teeth is a sticky film that bacteria can cling to. The bacteria produce acids that can cause tooth decay. Good oral hygiene and dental care can help remove and prevent plaque....

    Plaque - definition of plaque by The Free Dictionary
      plaque ( plæk; plɑːk) n 1. an ornamental or commemorative inscribed tablet or plate of porcelain, wood, etc 2. (Jewellery) a small flat brooch or badge, as of a club, etc 3. …

    Medical Definition of Plaque, skin - MedicineNet
      Medical Definition of Plaque, skin MedTerms medical dictionary is the medical terminology for Our doctors define difficult medical …

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