At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Define Treat Medically. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Treat Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    4. : to care for or deal with medically or surgically. treat a disease. 5. : to act upon with some agent especially to improve or alter. treat a metal with acid. intransitive verb. 1. : to pay another's expenses (as for a meal or drink) especially as a compliment or as an …

Treat | definition of treat by Medical dictionary
    treat ( trēt) To manage a disease by medicinal, surgical, or other measures; to care for a patient medically or surgically. [Fr. traiter, fr. L. tracto, to drag, handle, perform] Medical …

Treatment | definition of treatment by Medical dictionary
    treatment [ trēt´ment] 1. the management and care of a patient; see also care. 2. the combating of a disease or disorder; called also therapy. Schematic of the treatment …

Treatment Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    a. : a therapeutic agent, therapy, or procedure used to treat a medical condition. a controversial medical treatment. b. : something (such as a product or technique) used in …

Medical Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. : of, relating to, or concerned with physicians or the practice of medicine. the medical profession. a medical journal. 2. : requiring or devoted to medical treatment. a medical …

Medically Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. : of, relating to, or concerned with physicians or the practice of medicine. the medical profession. a medical journal. 2. : requiring or devoted to medical treatment. a …

Medical treatment | definition of medical treatment by …
    med·i·cal treat·ment treatment of disease by hygienic and pharmacologic remedies, as distinguished from invasive surgical procedures. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © …

Medical treatment - definition of Medical ... - The Free …
    ther·a·py 1. Treatment of illness, injury, or disability. 2. Psychotherapy. 3. Healing power or quality: the therapy of fresh air and sun.

Medical | definition of medical by Medical dictionary
    medical [ med´ĭ-kal] pertaining to medicine or to the treatment of diseases; pertaining to medicine as opposed to surgery. medical assistant a person who, under the direction of …

Medical Treatment Definition: 872 Samples | Law Insider
    Medical Treatment means treatment of common medical acceptance that is readily available, would be covered under the system's health care plan and may include …

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