At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Definition Artifact Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Artifact | definition of artifact by Medical dictionary
- artefact. (1) A structure not normally present, but produced by some external action; something artificial. (2) The distortion of a substance or signal which interferes with or obscures the interpretation of a study, or a structure that is not representative of a …
Artifact Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- 1 a : a usually simple object (such as a tool or ornament) showing human workmanship or modification as distinguished from a natural object especially : an object remaining from a …
Artifacts | definition of Artifacts by Medical dictionary
- artefact. (1) A structure not normally present, but produced by some external action; something artificial. (2) The distortion of a substance or signal which interferes with or …
Radiological artifact | definition of radiological artifact by …
- artefact. (1) A structure not normally present, but produced by some external action; something artificial. (2) The distortion of a substance or signal which interferes with or …
Artifact Definition & Meaning |
- any feature that is not naturally present but is a product of an extrinsic agent, method, or the like: statistical artifacts that make the inflation rate seem greater than it is. …
Artifact in medical test is explained -
- Would you explain what an artifact is? — M.J.N. Answer • An artifact, in this context, is anything that can keep the test from being interpreted correctly. People often …
What does artifactual mean in medical terms? - Answers
- Artifactual means pertaining to an artifact. An artifact, in medical terms, is a finding (usually in radiology) that isn't made by the body, but is from some external cause. …
What are attenuation artifacts? | Texas Heart Institute
- “Attenuation artifact” observed in a nuclear stress test is due to the reduction in the intensity / strength of signal when it travels through various body tissues of different densities, such as breast tissues, chest …
What is an artifact in medical terms? –
- 1. any artificial product; a structure or appearance that is not natural, but is due to manipulation. 2. distortion or fuzziness of an image caused by …
What does the medical term artifact mean? - Answers
- An artifact in medical terms is something recorded on a study that is caused by an external complication rather than by the medical phenomenon being studied. For …
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