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Nidus | definition of nidus by Medical dictionary
- nidus. (nī′dəs) n. pl. ni·duses or ni·di (-dī) 1. A central point or focus of infection by bacteria or other pathogens. 2. A point or place at which something originates, accumulates, or develops, such as the center around which a calculus forms.
Nidus Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- 1 : a nest or breeding place especially : a place or substance in an animal or plant where bacteria or other organisms lodge and multiply 2 : a place where something originates, …
Niduses | definition of niduses by Medical dictionary
- ni·dus , pl. nidi ( nī'dŭs, -dī) 1. A nest. 2. The nucleus or central point of origin of a nerve. 3. A focus of infection. 4. The coalescence of molecules or small particles that is the …
Medical Definition of Nidus - MedicineNet
- A nidus is a breeding place where bacteria, parasites, and other agents of a disease lodge and develop. For example, a nidus of infection is a focus of infection. …
Nidus - definition of nidus by The Free Dictionary
- n. pl. ni·dus·es or ni·di (-dī) 1. A central point or focus of infection by bacteria or other pathogens. 2. A point or place at which something originates, accumulates, or develops, …
Medical Definition of Nidus - RxList
- A nidus is a breeding place where bacteria, parasites, and other agents of a disease lodge and develop. For example, a nidus of infection is a focus of infection. …
Nidus Definition & Meaning |
- noun, plural ni·di [nahy-dahy]. a nest, especially one in which insects, spiders, etc., deposit their eggs. a place or point in an organism where a germ or other organism can develop …
nidus | Taber's Medical Dictionary
- 1. A nestlike structure. 2. Focus of infection. 3. A nucleus or origin of a nerve. nidal (nī′dăl) To hear audio pronunciation of this topic, purchase a subscription or log in. , adj. …
Nidus Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary
- nidi A nest, esp. one in which insects or spiders deposit their eggs. Webster's New World Similar definitions A central point or focus of infection by bacteria or other pathogens. …
nidus | Taber's Medical Dictionary
- Taber's Medical Dictionary nidus (nī′dŭs) To hear audio pronunciation of this topic, purchase a subscription or log in. (nī′dī″) pl. nidi [L. nidus, a nest] 1. A nestlike structure. …
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