At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Definition Of Medical Disorder. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Medical disorder | definition of Medical disorder by …
    disease 1. Any abnormal condition of the body or part of it, arising from any cause. 2. A specific disorder that features a recognizable complex of physical signs, symptoms and effects. All diseases can be...

Disorder | definition of disorder by Medical dictionary

    Disorder Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      Medical Definition disorder 1 of 2 transitive verb dis· or· der (ˈ)dis-ˈȯrd-ər, (ˈ)diz- disordered; disordering -ˈȯrd- (ə-)riŋ : to disturb the regular or normal functions of …

    Depression (major depressive disorder) - Symptoms and …

      Disorders | definition of disorders by Medical dictionary
        disorder 1. A lack of order or regular arrangement; confusion. 2. A condition characterized by lack of normal functioning of physical or mental processes: kidney disorders; a...

      NIMH » Depression - National Institute of Mental Health …
        Depression (also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression) is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and …

      Disorder Medical Definition | What is a Disorder Meaning
        Disorder medical definition. Medical Definition of disorder: What is a disorder in medical terms? A disorder is defined by functional impairment and a disruption in …

      Mental disorders - World Health Organization
        A mental disorder is characterized by a clinically significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotional regulation, or behaviour. It is usually associated …

      Medical and mental disorder: Proposed definition and …
        The proposed definition is: “A medical disorder is a relatively distinct condition resulting from an organismic dysfunction which in its fully developed or …

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