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Ectopia Cordis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, …
    Symptoms. Ectopia cordis is defined by its main symptom: the heart being outside the body. Babies who have this condition often also have other “midline defects” (problems along the line going ...

Ectopia cordis: Causes, complications, and outlook - Medical …
    Outlook. Ectopia cordis is an extremely rare condition in which the heart develops outside of the chest in a growing fetus. If the rib cage of a developing fetus does not form …

Ectopia Cordis | Children's Hospital Colorado
    Ectopia cordis occurs when a portion or all of a baby's heart is located outside of the chest cavity. In true ectopia cordis, the heart almost always has internal abnormalities aside …

Ectopia Cordis | Boston Children's Hospital
    Ectopia cordis is a rare congenital condition in which some or all of a baby’s heart doesn’t have the typical coverage of the breastbone. The heart instead lies beneath a layer of …

Ectopia cordis | definition of ectopia cordis by Medical …
    ectopia cordis: [ ek-to´pe-ah ] ( L. ) malposition , especially if congenital. ectopia cor´dis congenital displacement of the heart outside the thoracic cavity. ectopia len´tis …

Ectopia Cordis - Definition, Causes, …
    Ectopia Cordis Definition. Ectopia cordis is a Latin word, which literally means “outside” and “heart”. It is a rather rare congenital malformation that concerns the heart’s abnormal …

Ectopia cordis | Radiology Reference …
    Ectopia cordis may occur as an isolated malformation or it may be associated with a larger category of ventral body wall defects that affect the thorax, abdomen, or both. Associations …

Ectopia cordis causes, diagnosis, …
    What is ectopia cordis. Ectopia cordis is defined as complete or partial displacement of the heart outside the thoracic cavity 1.Ectopia cordis is a rare congenital (present at birth) defect with failure of …

Ectopia cordis - PubMed
    Ectopia cordis is a rare congenital defect in which the heart is placed externally on the surface of the chest. This article describes the embrylogic events that lead to the various …

Ectopia | definition of ectopia by Medical dictionary
    ectopia. (ĕk-tō′pē-ə) n. 1. An abnormal location or position of an organ or a body part, occurring congenitally or as the result of injury. Also called ectopy. 2. See ectopy. …

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