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Lipemia Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    noun. li· pe· mia. variants or chiefly British lipaemia. li-ˈpē-mē-ə. : the presence of an excess of fats or lipids in the blood. specifically : hypercholesterolemia. lipemic adjective. or chiefly British lipaemic.

Lipemia | definition of lipemia by Medical dictionary
    lipemia [lĭ-pe´me-ah] hyperlipidemia. alimentary lipemia that occurring after eating. lipemia retina´lis a milky appearance of the veins and arteries of the retina, occurring when the …

Hyperlipidemia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, …

    Lipidemia | definition of lipidemia by Medical dictionary
      lipidemia: ( li-pē'mē-ă ), The presence of an abnormally high concentration of lipids in the circulating blood. Synonym(s): hyperlipoidemia , lipidemia , lipoidemia [lipid + G. haima, …

    Lipemia: causes, interference mechanisms, detection …
      After hemolysis, lipemia is the most frequent endogenous interference that can influence results of various laboratory methods by several mechanisms. The most …

    Lipemic | definition of lipemic by Medical dictionary
      lipemic: ( li-pē'mik ) Relating to lipemia; describes milky appearance in serum and plasma. Synonym(s): lipaemic .

    Lipidemia - What Is Lipidemia? - Vascular …
      Lipidemia, technically, is the presence of lipids in the blood. The term dyslipidemia is used to describe abnormalities in lipids, primarily cholesterol and triglycerides. …

    Lipedema: Symptoms, Causes, Tests and Treatment
      Symptoms of lipedema include: Fat build-up in buttocks, thighs, calves, and sometimes the upper arms. Diuretics, elevating your legs and support stockings do not help the affected …

    lipemia - Medical Dictionary
      A Medical Dictionary of Medical Terminology lipemia. Popular Medical Dictionary Searches: Ibuprofen Aspirin Dementia Breast Cancer Fibrosis Headache Mesothelioma …

    Lipedema: Symptoms, Treatment, Diet, Causes, and …
      The typical symptoms are a large lower half and column-like legs, which are often tender and bruise easily. For example, the top half of your body may be a …

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