At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Dimples Of Venus Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Back Dimples (Dimples of Venus) Causes and If They …
    Dimples in general are thought to be genetic, but there’s no concrete evidence for thi…However, what evidence there is suggests that dimples may be a dominant genetic trait. See more

Back Dimples, Sacral Dimple, Dimples of Venus: …
    A sacral dimple is a small dent or depression in your child’s lower back near the crease of their buttocks. Scientists don’t know for sure what causes sacral dimples, but it may …

Dimples of Venus - Wikipedia

    Back Dimples: Venus Dimples, Sacral Dimples Causes
      Back dimples are harmless indentations that appear on the lower back or sacrum. There are two types of back dimples — venus dimples and sacral dimples. …

    What causes dimples? | Live Science
      7 hours ago · Back dimples, also known as ‘dimples of Venus’ form in a similar way to cheek dimples, when a short ligament stretches from part of the hip bone to the skin on …

    Sacral and Back Dimples: Symptoms, Causes, and More …
      A sacral dimple (sacrococcygeal or coccygeal dimple) is an indentation just above the groove between your buttocks. Back dimples are the set of dimples that are on your …

    Dimples of Venus (Back Dimple): Cause and More
      This name is generally accepted by the medical community. This name comes from the Roman goddess of beauty as back dimples are often associated with …

    Dimples of Venus Causes & How to Get the Rare Dimples of Venus
      What Are Dimples of Venus? Sacral dimples due to their location on the body Pilonidal dimples. Back dimples Venusian dimples Butt dimples , this should not be confused with …

    Venus dimples: here are the benefits of this feature | Newz
      The term Venus dimples, or less elegantly Venus holes, indicates the two small depressions that are located in the lower back, just above the coccyx. Many women have …

    Dimples of Venus - The Art and Popular Culture Encyclopedia
      The dimples of Venus (also known as back dimples, butt dimples or Venusian dimples) are sagittally symmetrical indentations sometimes visible on the …

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