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DNA Microarrays for Biomedical Research | SpringerLink
      In DNA Microarrays for Biomedical Research: Methods and Protocols, experts explore these now commonly used applications, addressing probe design strategies, fabrication issues and providing practical examples of detailed methods for generation of high quality DNA microarray data. Chapters incorporate information on some of the largest providers of microarray, including Affymetrix, Ilumina and Agilent, and their use on a variety of applications.
      DNA Microarrays for Biomedical Research: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, 529): 9781934115695: Medicine & Health Science …

    DNA Microarrays for Biomedical Research: Methods and …
      Request PDF | DNA Microarrays for Biomedical Research: Methods and Protocols | DNA microarray technology has revolutionized research in the past …

    DNA Microarray Technology Fact Sheet
      Researchers have already discovered over 800 different mutations in BRCA1 alone.The DNA microarray is a tool used to determine whether the DNA …

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