At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Does Capitation Mean Medical Terms. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Capitation | definition of capitation by Medical dictionary
    capitation. Capitated payment Managed care. 1. A method of payment for health services in which a physician or hospital are paid a fixed amount is paid per enrollee to cover a defined scope of services for a defined population set–aka covered lives for a …

Pros and Cons of a Healthcare Capitation Payment System

    Capitation, Primary Care | AAFP
      Capitation is a payment arrangement for health care services in which an entity (e.g., a physician or group of physicians) receives a risk adjusted amount of money for each …

    Capitation Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      Medical Definition capitation noun cap· i· ta· tion ˌkap-ə-ˈtā-shən 1 : a fixed per capita payment made periodically to a medical service provider (as a physician) by a managed …

    Capitation Payments: Definition, How …
      Capitation is meant to help limit excessive costs and the performance of unnecessary services. But on the downside, it might …

    Capitation (healthcare) - Wikipedia
      Capitation in the USA [ edit] Primary capitation is a relationship between a managed care organization and primary care physician, in which the physician is paid …

    Capitation Payments | Understanding Capitation | ACP
      Capitation payments are used by managed care organizations to control health care costs. Capitation payments control use of health care resources by putting the physician at …

    What is Capitation Payment in Healthcare? - RevenueXL
      Capitation payment is the amount paid per person in advance and is based on various factors, including average expected healthcare utilization of the members as …

    Medical Definition of Capitation - MedicineNet
      Capitation: In US health services, a fixed 'per capita' amount that is paid to a hospital, clinic, or physician for each person served. If that person uses few services, the …

    What is Capitation? - Definition from Insuranceopedia
      Capitation is a system of health insurance payments in which health professionals are paid fixed amounts per month based on the number of insured people they have as patients. It …

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