At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Donate Medical Books Iraq. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Donating Medical Books and Journals to Iraq - Medscape
    December 2005: Donating Medical Books and Journals to Iraq -- The Need Continues. Susan B. Yox, RN, EdD. Disclosures. January 04, 2006. Medical, pharmacy, nursing, dental, and veterinary ...

Donating Knowledge: How Books Can Help Mend Iraq's …
    Donating Knowledge: How Books and Journals Can Help Mend Iraq's Fractured Healthcare System - Medscape - Feb 18, 2010. War and Healthcare Filling the …

Donating Knowledge: How Books Can Help Mend Iraq's …
    Article Donating Knowledge: How Books and Journals Can Help Mend Iraq's Fractured Healthcare System 2001/viewarticle/834434 Article Physician Suicide 101: Secrets, Lies, and Solutions

Donations of Medical and Nursing Books and Journals …
    Donations of Medical and Nursing Books and Journals Arrive in Iraq. Anonymous. Disclosures. June 26, 2007. Editor's Note: This letter was received from a …

BBF Sends Medical Books and Supplies to Iraq
    Working with partner agency Life for Relief and Development, BBF is coordinating the shipment of the books received to the 20 medical schools and teaching …

Medical and Nursing Books in Iraq - Medscape
    The Iraqi doctors built bookshelves and created a medical library despite worries about electricity and medical supplies. Comments 3090D553-9492-4563-8681-AD288FA52ACE

Donate Books - Global Medical Libraries
    Donate Books. As long as the textbook contains current information and/or fundamental information, which is valid today and/or visuals (no matter the publication date), it will …

Donate Used Medical Books to Iraq Book Project
    For the post office address or more information about donations, email David Gifford, M.D., at [email protected] This notice was in the AAP news on March 2011 …

Where To Donate Old Medical Books -
    You can sell your old nursing textbooks for a reasonable price on various platforms such as,, Amazon, etc. Other alternatives include donating …

Donations to the National Library of Medicine
    Contributions can be made to the NLM by sending a check or money order payable to "The National Library of Medicine" to: Director. National Library of Medicine. …

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