At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Down Information Medical Syndrome. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Facts about Down Syndrome | CDC
    Down syndrome is a condition in which a person has an extra chromosome. Chromosomes are small “packages” of genes in the body. They determine how a baby’s body forms and functions as it grows during pregnancy and after birth. Typically, a baby is born with 46 chromosomes. Babies with Down syndr… See more

Down syndrome - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Trisomy 21. About 95 percent of the time, Down syndrome is caused by …

Down Syndrome: Symptoms & Causes - Cleveland Clinic
    Down syndrome causes physical, cognitive (thinking) and behavioral symptoms. Physical signs of Down syndrome can include: Short, stocky physical size, with a short neck. …

Down Syndrome - Eunice Kennedy Shriver National …
    Generally, children with Down syndrome reach key developmental milestones later than other children. 2 People with the syndrome also are more likely …

Down Syndrome: Causes, Types, and Symptoms
    Down syndrome (sometimes called Down’s syndrome) is a condition in which a child is born with an extra copy of their 21st …

Down Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, and Living With It
    2 days ago · Weak immune system. Hypothyroidism (low function of the thyroid gland) People who have Down syndrome have a higher-than-average risk of developing …

About Down Syndrome | National Down Syndrome …
    Are there different types of Down syndrome? Trisomy 21 (Nondisjunction). Nondisjunction results in an embryo with three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the …

Health and medical issues for people with Down syndrome
    Health and medical issues Infections. Respiratory infections are more common among people with Down syndrome, especially during the first five... Heart defects. Heart defects …

Down Syndrome: Facts, Statistics, and You - Healthline
    Down syndrome is a genetic condition, but it isn’t hereditary Neither trisomy 21 nor mosaicism is inherited from a parent. These cases of Down syndrome are the result of a random cell...

What conditions or disorders are commonly associated …
    Down syndrome often causes problems in the immune system that can make it difficult for the body to fight off infections, so even seemingly minor infections …

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