At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Drape Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Drape | definition of drape by Medical dictionary
    drape (drāp) v. To cover, dress, or hang with or as if with cloth in loose folds. n. A paper or cloth covering placed over a patient's body during medical examination or treatment, designed to provide privacy or a sterile operative field. The American Heritage® Medical …

Drapes | definition of drapes by Medical dictionary
    drape ( drāp ), 1. To cover parts of the body other than those to be examined or on which to be operated. 2. The cloth or materials used for such cover. [M.E., fr. L.L. drappus, cloth] …

Draping | definition of draping by Medical dictionary
    drape (drāp) v. To cover, dress, or hang with or as if with cloth in loose folds. n. A paper or cloth covering placed over a patient's body during medical examination or treatment, …

Drape Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    draped; draping Synonyms of drape transitive verb 1 : to cover or adorn with or as if with folds of cloth 2 : to cause to hang or stretch out loosely or carelessly 3 : to arrange in …

Standard Surgical Drapes
    1. Drapes must be free of holes, punctures, and tears. A. Drapes should be resistant to punctures and tears to prevent microbial contamination of the sterile field.5 Standard of …

Surgical Drape - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
    Surgical drapes are used in the OR to protect the patient, clinicians, and equipment. Drapes can be made of cloth or paper, and reusable or disposable. Figure 89-4 shows a …

Drapes - definition of drapes by The Free Dictionary
    1. To cover, hang, or decorate with cloth in loose folds: draped the coffin with a flag; a robe that draped her figure. 2. To arrange or let fall in loose folds: draping the banner from the …

Drape Definition & Meaning |
    to cover or hang with cloth or other fabric, especially in graceful folds; adorn with drapery. to arrange, hang, or let fall carelessly: Don't drape your feet over the chair! verb …

Drape - definition of drape by The Free Dictionary
    drape (dreɪp) v. draped, drap•ing, n. v.t. 1. to cover, surround, or hang with cloth or other fabric, esp. in graceful folds. 2. to adjust (fabric, clothes, etc.) into graceful folds or …

Three-Quarter Surgical Drape | Medline …
    Our standard drape collection features a top-of-the-line SMS fabric, composed of five strong fiber layers for exceptionally high barrier strength Made of 100% polypropylene, SMS …

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