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Edwin Smith Papyrus - Wikipedia
- The Edwin Smith Papyrus is an ancient Egyptian medical text, named after Edwin Smith who bought it in 1862, and the oldest known surgical treatise on trauma. From a cited quotation in another text, it may have been known to ancient surgeons as the "Secret Book of the Physician". This document, which may have … See more
Edwin Smith papyrus | Egyptian medical …
- Edwin Smith papyrus, (c. 1600 bc), ancient Egyptian medical treatise, believed to be a copy of a work dating …
The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus, Volume 1: …
- Behind the scientifically accurate study and publication of The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus, the most important document in the history of science surviving from the pre …
Edwin Smith Papyrus - New World Encyclopedia
The Edwin Smith Papyrus: the birth of analytical thinking …
- The Edwin Smith Papyrus, discovered in 1862 outside of Luxor, Egypt, is the oldest known surgical text in the history of civilization. The surviving scroll, a copy of an earlier text from …
Edwin Smith Papyrus: 3,600-Year-Old …
- The Edwin Smith Papyrus is a medical treatise from ancient Egypt. This papyrus is named after Edwin Smith, the American collector of antiquities who …
The Edwin Smith surgical papyrus: description and …
- The Edwin Smith surgical papyrus, which dates back nearly five millennia, is the oldest known medical text and contains the first written example of the word "brain", as well as …
The Edwin Smith Papyrus: Practical Egyptian Medicine
- This ancient papyrus is still considered to be one of the most vital sources that give an insight into the medical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians. Known as the …
Papyrus of Ebers and Smith | Journal of …
- The Edwin Smith papyrus is the oldest known medical writing and also the most complete and important treatise on the surgery of antiquity. It was written about 1700 BC and …
The Edwin Smith Papyrus, the Oldest Surgical Treatise
- The Edwin Smith Papyrus, the most detailed and sophisticated of the extant medical papyri, is the only surviving copy of part of an ancient Egyptian textbook on trauma surgery, and …
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