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Efflux | definition of efflux by Medical dictionary
    efflux: (ĕf′lŭks) [″ + ″] Outward flow, i.e., the movement of chemicals or other fluids from within a structure, such as a cell, to the outside.

Efflux Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    efflux: [noun] something given off in or as if in a stream.

Medical Dictionary - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Dictionary. Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the reference experts at …

Efflux pump | definition of efflux pump by Medical dictionary
    efflux pump: A cell membrane protein channel that selectively admits or excludes chemicals from the cytoplasm. In some bacteria efflux pumps prevent their cells from accumulating …

Efflux - definition of efflux by The Free Dictionary
    Define efflux. efflux synonyms, efflux pronunciation, efflux translation, English dictionary definition of efflux. n. 1. A flowing outward. 2. Something that flows out or forth; an …

Efflux (microbiology) | definition of Efflux ... - Medical …
    Outward flow, i.e., the movement of chemicals or other fluids from within a structure, such as a cell, to the outside.

Efflux (microbiology) - definition of Efflux ... - The Free …
    Efflux (microbiology) synonyms, Efflux (microbiology) pronunciation, Efflux (microbiology) translation, English dictionary definition of Efflux (microbiology). n. 1. A flowing outward. …

Afflux Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    noun. af· flux ˈaf-ˌləks. : a flowing especially of a bodily fluid to or toward a bodily part. an afflux of blood to the head.

Afflux | definition of afflux by Medical dictionary
    Face a cet afflux, les sapeurs-pompiers ont effectue, depuis le 1er juin, 28.653 interventions au niveau des plages ayant permis de sauver de noyade 18.984 personnes dont 7.169 …

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