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The Elephant Trunk Procedure for Aortic Aneurysm …
    The elephant trunk technique was devised to address combined aneurysms, wherein the arch repair is facilitated by sternotomy and a second staged procedure is performed via left thoracotomy for the descending or thoraco abdominal aorta [2, 3]. Although endovascular techniques remain the preferred modality … See more

Elephant trunk repair | Radiology Reference Article
    An elephant trunk repair is a type of open repair procedure devised to address combined aneurysms, it is often a two staged procedure wherein the arch repair …

Frozen Elephant Trunk Procedure - Operative …
    Aortic arch pathology including aneurysm and dissection poses a significant technical challenge to operative repair, often requiring 2-stage repair via sternotomy …

Elephant Trunk Operation | MemorialCare
    The elephant trunk procedure is a two-stage procedure used to treat extensive aneurysms involving both the ascending aorta and aortic arch, and the descending thoracic or …

Elephantiasis of the legs: causes and …
    Elephantiasis is a rare disease caused by impaired lymph flow. Let's consider features of the given pathology, kinds, stages, methods of diagnostics and …

Hybrid Thoracic and Thoracoabdominal …
    Deliver proven outcomes when treating your patient’s complex aortic arch pathology, utilising innovative Terumo Aortic Hybrid Solutions. 1 Thoraflex™ Hybrid used for the …

Elephant trunks in aortic surgery: Fresh and frozen
    An alternative approach using long elephant trunk for extensive aortic aneurysm: elephant trunk anastomosis at the base of the innominate artery Circulation, …

Elephant Trunks: Is There Anything They …
    An elephant’s trunk is a marvel of biology. Devoid of any joints or bone, the trunk is an appendage made of pure muscle that is capable of both uprooting …

The body-language of the elephant trunk - TheScienceBreaker
    Equally delicate and robust, the elephant trunk (also called a 'proboscis'), originates in the embryo as the fusion of the nose and upper lip. It displays an incredible …

Elephants Trunk - EleAid
    The trunk is also used in more confrontational situations both aggressive and defensive. It is used to chastise, discipline or control. An elephant will often wave its trunk or hold it in …

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