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Ellipse | definition of ellipse by Medical dictionary
    ellipse: (i-lips′) [L. ellipsis , fr Gr. elleipsis , a falling short] In geometry, an oval or egg-shaped figure. In surgery, incisions of such shape are commonly made to remove lesions from the skin. elliptic (-lip′tik), adjective elliptical (′ti-kăl) elliptically (′ti-k(ă-)lē)

How to Perform an Elliptical Excision of the Skin | NEJM
    The apex of the ellipse is grasped with tissue forceps. A number 15 scalpel blade is used to create a uniform plane at the level of the subcutaneous fat. Using a skin …

Elliptic | definition of elliptic by Medical dictionary
    Looking for online definition of elliptic in the Medical Dictionary? elliptic explanation free. What is elliptic? Meaning of elliptic medical term. What does elliptic mean? ... ellipse (i …

Ellipse Definition & Meaning - Merriam …
    ellipse: [noun] oval. a closed plane curve generated by a point moving in such a way that the sums of its distances from two fixed points is a constant : a plane section of a right circular cone that is a closed …

Ellipses | definition of ellipses by Medical dictionary
    Definition of ellipses in the Medical Dictionary by The Free Dictionary

Ellipsis Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    ellipsis: [noun] the omission of one or more words that are obviously understood but that must be supplied to make a construction grammatically complete. a sudden leap from …

The Elliptical Excision | Clinical Gate
    The area to be cut may be prepped with alcohol first. A clean and nonsterile surgical marking pen is acceptable if you prep the skin again after marking the lesion. …

Ellipse sign | definition of ellipse sign by Medical dictionary
    ellipse sign: An oblong ‘mass’ seen in an upper gastrointestinal radiocontrast study, which corresponds to simple—non-malignant—pooling of contrast material in an ulcer base

Tscherning ellipse | definition of Tscherning ellipse by …
    ellipse, Tscherning A graphical representation of the front surface power as a function of total lens power in best-form lenses. There are two possible solutions: (1) Those lenses …

Ellipses - definition of ellipses by The Free Dictionary
    el·lipse. n. 1. A plane curve, especially: a. A conic section whose plane is not parallel to the axis, base, or generatrix of the intersected cone. b. The locus of points for which the sum …

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