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Entero- Definition & Meaning |
    Entero- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “intestine.”. The intestines are the long tract of the digestive system that runs from the stomach to the anus. Entero- is often used in medical terms, especially in anatomy and pathology. Entero- comes from the …

Entero- | definition of entero- by Medical dictionary
    entero- , enter- Combining forms indicating the intestines. [G. enteron, intestine] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 entero- prefix denoting …

Enterocolitis: Types, symptoms, …
    Enterocolitis is an inflammation that occurs in a person’s digestive tract. The condition specifically affects the …

Enteral Definition & Meaning |
    Enteral is a medical term that means within, by way of, or related to the intestines. A much more common word for this is intestinal. A close synonym is enteric. In medicine, enteral nutrition involves introducing nutrients through a tube into the stomach or small intestine.

Medical Definition of Entero- - MedicineNet
    Entero-: Prefix referring to the intestine, as in enteropathy (a disease of the intestine) and enterospasm (a painful, intense contraction of the intestine). CONTINUE …

Enteral | definition of enteral by Medical dictionary
    en·ter·al. ( en'tĕr-ăl) Within, or by way of, the intestine or gastrointestinal tract, especially as distinguished from parenteral. A term used to describe tube feedings. [G. enteron, intestine] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012.

Enteropathy | definition of enteropathy by Medical dictionary
    enteropathy [ en″ter-op´ah-the] any disease of the intestine. gluten enteropathy ( gluten sensitive enteropathy) celiac disease. protein-losing enteropathy a nonspecific term referring to conditions, e.g., adult celiac disease, associated with excessive loss of enteric plasma proteins.

Enter-, entero- | definition of enter-, entero- by Medical …
    Enter-, entero- | definition of enter-, entero- by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary Google Text Thesaurus Medical Dictionary Legal Dictionary Financial Dictionary …

Enterovirus Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Enterovirus Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster enterovirus noun en· tero· vi· rus ˌen-tə-rō-ˈvī-rəs : any of a genus (Enterovirus) of picornaviruses that occur especially in the gastrointestinal tract but may infect other tissues (such as nerve and muscle) and that include the poliovirus, Coxsackievirus, and echovirus enteroviral

Enteroenterostomy Definition & Meaning | Merriam …
    en· tero· en· te· ros· to· my ˌent-ə-rō-ˌent-ə-ˈräs-tə-mē plural enteroenterostomies : surgical anastomosis of two parts of the intestine with creation of an opening between them …

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