At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Epiboly Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Epiboly Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The meaning of EPIBOLY is the growing of one part about another; especially : such growth of the dorsal lip area during gastrulation.

Epiboly | definition of epiboly by Medical dictionary
    e·pib·o·ly , epibole (ē-pib'ŏ-lē), 1. A process involved in gastrulation of telolecithal eggs in which, as a result of differential growth, some of the cells of the protoderm move …

Causes, prevention, and treatment of epibole - Wound …

    Epiboly Definition & Meaning |
      Epiboly definition, the movement and spreading out of cells into sheets of tissue that overlie or surround other groups of cells, especially as in the formation of certain …

    Epiboly - Wikipedia

      Epibole | definition of epibole by Medical dictionary
        epibole: , epibole ( ē-pib'ŏ-lē ), 1. A process involved in gastrulation of telolecithal eggs in which, as a result of differential growth, some of the cells of the protoderm move over the …

      Wound Care and Epibole: It's All About the Edge | WCEI
        Epibole refers to rolled or curled-under closed wound edges. These rolled edges may be dry, callused, or hyperkeratotic (a thickening of the epidermis, the …

      epiboly, epibole | Taber's Medical Dictionary
        epiboly, epibole answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.

      Epibole - definition of epibole by The Free Dictionary
        n. The growth of a rapidly dividing group of cells around a more slowly dividing group of cells, as in the formation of a gastrula. [Greek epibolē, a throwing or laying on, from …

      epibole - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
        epiboly, epibole — 1. A process involved in gastrulation of telolecithal eggs in which, as a result of differential growth, some of the cells of the protoderm move over the surface …

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