At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Eponyms Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Eponym | definition of eponym by Medical dictionary
- ep·o·nym. ( ep'ŏ-nim) The name of a disease, structure, operation, or procedure, usually derived from the name of the person who first discovered or described it. Synonym (s): eponymic (2) . [G. epōnymos, named after] Medical Dictionary for the …
Eponyms | definition of Eponyms by Medical dictionary
- ep·o·nym. ( ep'ŏ-nim) The name of a disease, structure, operation, or procedure, usually derived from the name of the person who first discovered or described it. Synonym (s): …
Eponym Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- Medical Definition eponym noun ep· onym ˈep-ə-ˌnim 1 : the person for whom something (as a disease) is or is believed to be named 2 : a name (as of a drug or a disease) based …
Medical Eponyms | Medical Eponym Examples -
- Eponym: Medical Definition Medical Eponyms Medical Eponyms: Examples Lesson Summary Eponym: Medical Definition In the fields of medicine and …
Eponym Definition & Meaning |
- eponym / ( ˈɛpəˌnɪm) / noun a name, esp a place name, derived from the name of a real or mythical person, as for example Constantinople from Constantine I the name of the …
Medical Definition of Eponym - MedicineNet
- Eponym: Something named after someone. For example, a condition called Shiel syndrome might be named after (an eponym for) someone named Shiel who …
Anyone Looking for an Eponym? -
- Roughly paraphrased, an eponym puts the name on a place, thing, discovery, or invention of the person who is believed/thought to have “discovered” it. …
List of Medical Eponyms - Medical Terminology Blog
- Medical Eponym: Description: Named After Bio Alzheimer: chronic neurodegenerative disease; most common form of dementia: Alois Alzheimer, 1864-1915: Bavarian …
Eponym - Wikipedia
- An eponym is a person, a place, or a thing after whom or which someone or something is, or is believed to be, named. The adjectives which are derived from the word eponym …
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