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Exquisite | definition of exquisite by Medical dictionary
    ex·qui·site. ( eks-kwiz'it) Extremely intense, keen, sharp; said of pain or tenderness. [L. exquiro, pp. exquisitus, to search out] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012.

Types of Pain: How to Recognize and Talk About Them

    Exquisite Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      exquisite adjective ex· quis· ite ek-ˈskwiz-ət, ˈek (ˌ)skwiz- 1 : finely done or made an exquisite lacy handkerchief an exquisite painting 2 : showing fine discrimination, deep …

    Medical definition of exquisite pain/Chelsea -
      definition from the American Heritage Medical Dictionary: > Extremely intense, keen, or sharp. Used of pain or tenderness. > dear kaylene- thank you so much …

    Tenderness (medicine) - Wikipedia

      meaning - Can pain be exquisite without masochism?
        The adjective 'exquisite' has two meanings. One is more commonly used - "very beautiful and delicate" and might be used about a piece of sculpture, china, …

      Acute pain | definition of acute pain by Medical dictionary
        pain disorder a somatoform disorder characterized by a chief complaint of severe chronic pain that causes substantial distress or impairment in functioning; the pain …

      What does exquisite mean in medical terms? – KOOLOADER.COM
        Definition of excruciating 1 : causing great pain or anguish : agonizing the nation’s most excruciating dilemma— W. H. Ferry. 2 : very intense : extreme excruciating pain. What …

      exquisite pain - English definition, grammar, …
        Definition in the dictionary exquisite pain Translations of "exquisite pain" into English in sentences, translation memory Declension Stem Match words I promise him exquisite …

      exquisite pain definition | English definition dictionary
        exquisite pain definition, exquisite pain meaning | English dictionary Search Synonyms Conjugate Speak Suggest new translation/definition exquisite adj 1 possessing qualities …

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