At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Federally Designated Medically Underserved Region. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

MUA Find - Health Resources and Services Administration
    Find data on Medically Underserved Area and Medically Underserved Population designations throughout the U.S. Use this tool to: Search MUAs by location or MUA ID Filter MUAs by status, type, and rural status Contact Information:

HPSA and MUA/P: Shortage Designation Types
    Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs) and Medically Underserved Populations (MUPs) MUAs and MUPs identify geographic areas and populations with a lack of …

Find Shortage Areas - Health Resources …
    HRSA programs provide health care to people who are geographically isolated, economically or medically vulnerable. This includes people living with HIV/AIDS, pregnant women, mothers and their families, …

What is Shortage Designation? | Bureau of Health …
    Medically Underserved Areas (MUAs) and Medically Underserved Populations (MUPs) Exceptional Medically Underserved Population (Exceptional MUP) Governor’s …

Rural J-1 Visa Waiver Overview - Rural …
    The physicians must agree to work in a federally designated Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA), Medically Underserved Area (MUA), or for a Medically Underserved …

Medically Underserved Areas in the US
    The Health Resources & Service Administration (HRSA) provides a cornucopia of information about health shortages in the United States. Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUA/P) are areas or …

Federally Designated Underserved Areas -
    Designated Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs & FQHC Look – A – Likes) Designated Health Professional Shortage Area …

Federally Designated Underserved Areas - Department …
    Underserved Areas Opioid Awareness Nursing Homes Birth & Death Certificates E-Library Coronavirus (COVID-19) Flu Emergency Prep Medical Marijuana Environmental Health …

Shortage designations - MN Dept. of Health - Minnesota
    Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA) and Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUA/P) are designations that help prioritize and focus our resources …

Rural Health and Underserved Areas - Idaho
    The MUA/P designations determine eligibility for federal and state resources, such as the development of community, migrant, or homeless health clinics through 330 funding (Section 330 of the …

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