At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Final Frontier Medical Devices. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Final Frontier Medical Devices - Star Trek
    Final Frontier Medical Devices. Somewhere in Philadelphia, there's a house full of tricorders. Literally. The living room, the dining room, even the kitchen is stuffed …

Final Frontier Medical Devices | Qualcomm …
    Basil Leaf Technologies' team, Final Frontier Medical Devices, is led by brothers Dr. Basil Harris, an emergency medicine physician, and George Harris, a network …

Final Frontier Medical Devices won the tricorder xprize with …
    Final Frontier Medical Devices was announced the highest performing team and received $2.5 million for their achievement and Dynamical Biomarkers Group …

Team Final Frontier Medical Devices - The Pathologist
    Final Frontier Medical Devices was formed specifically for the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE by Basil Harris, an experienced emergency department physician with …

The Future of Medical Device Regulation: The Final Frontier
    The Future of Medical Device Regulation: The Final Frontier With Brian J. Miller Health Care Health Economics AEI, Auditorium 1789 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, …

Real-life tricorders are here 230 years early, …
    The $2.5 million first prize went to Final Frontier Medical Devices, a team of seven including four Trekkie siblings, for their DxtER diagnostic device …

The Qualcomm Tricorder X Prize has its …
    Final Frontier Medical Devices, a small team led by engineer-turned ER doctor Basil Harris and his brother George (also an engineer) won the top prize of $2.6 …

DxtER Tricorder Sensor Kit Could Save Your Life - Tech …
    May 12, 2017. 3509. 0. Final Frontier Medical Devices team has developed a DxtER, a new tricorder sensor that can diagnose up to 34 various health conditions. It …

Boldly Entering Healthcare’s Final Frontier
    Our technology combines the thinking of Western medicine and Chinese medicine.” That blend begat a device that features a vital sensor, blood/urine strips, a …

Final Frontier Medical Devices | The Lyncean Group of …
    Final Frontier Medical Devices: DxtER Source: Qualcomm Tricorder XPrize Key system features: DxtER is designed as a consumer product for monitoring your health and …

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