At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about First Medical Use Epo. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

G‑VI, 7.1 First or further medical use of known products
    Where the subject-matter of a claim is rendered novel only by a new therapeutic use of a medicament, the claim may no longer have the format of a so-called "Swiss-type" claim as instituted by decision G 5/83 ("Use of a substance or composition X for the manufacture …

7. First and second medical use - Case Law of the …
    III. Rules common to all proceedings before the EPO; IV. Proceedings before the departments of first instance; V. Proceedings before the Boards of Appeal; VI. The EPO …

7.1. First medical use - Case Law of the Boards of …
    First medical use - Case Law of the Boards of Appeal, I. PATENTABILITY, C. Novelty, 7. First and second medical use Home Law & practice Case law & appeals Case Law of …

7.2. Level of disclosure required for medical use - EPO
    It is established case law of the boards of appeal for a medical use claim to fulfil the requirements of Art. 83 EPC, unless this is already known to the skilled person at the …

Of Molecules & Medicine: Helping You Deduce First and Second …
    A first medical use claim protects that substance for use in treatment or diagnosis in medicine generally, and therefore provides protection for use of that …

First and Second Medical Use - Szellemi Tulajdon Nemzeti …
    First and Second Medical Use An Overview of EPO Case Law and Practice European Patent Office Points for Discussion Claim construction “Mixed use”: therapeutic vs. non …

‘Importance of second medical use protection is growing’
    The (first) medical use covers situations in which a chemical compound is used as a medicament (drug) for the first time. Patent protection may also be granted for such a medical use even …

EPO Health Insurance—What It Is and How It Works
    A type of managed care health insurance, EPO stands for exclusive provider organization. EPO health insurance got this name because you have to get your health …

First and second medical use claims -
    First medical use In English law, claims broadly in the form "X for use Y" are understood to mean that the claim protects a product X, which is suitable for the purpose Y. Such …

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