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Fluctuant | definition of fluctuant by Medical dictionary
    1. Subject to change or variation: variable: fluctuant oil prices. 2. Medicine Capable of being moved or compressed. Used of an abnormal mass such as a tumor or abscess. 3. Moving in waves. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by …

Fluctuancy | definition of fluctuancy by Medical dictionary
    fluc·tu·a·tion. ( flŭk'tyū-ā'shŭn ), 1. The act of fluctuating. 2. A wavelike motion felt on palpating a cavity with nonrigid walls, especially one containing fluid. Synonym (s): …

Abscess incision and drainage - SAEM
    Fluctuance can be described as a tense area of skin with a wave-like or boggy feeling upon palpation; this is the pus which has accumulated beneath the epidermis. Without …

Cutaneous Abscess - Merck Manuals Professional Edition
    A cutaneous abscess is a localized collection of pus in the skin and may occur on any skin surface. Symptoms and signs are pain and a tender and firm or fluctuant swelling. …

Fluctuate | definition of fluctuate by Medical dictionary
    fluc·tu·ate ( flŭk'tyū-āt ), 1. To move in waves. 2. To vary, to change from time to time, as in referring to any quantity or quality, for example, height of blood pressure, concentration of …

Flatulence: Causes, Remedies, Complications, and More …
    What is flatulence? Also known as farting, passing wind, or having gas, flatulence is a medical term for releasing gas from the digestive system through the …

Induration Skin Hardening Signs and …
    Print. Skin induration is a deep thickening of the skin that can result from edema, inflammation, or infiltration, including by cancer. Diagnosis of skin …

Fluctuant - definition of fluctuant by The Free Dictionary
    (flŭk′cho͞o-ənt) adj. 1. Subject to change or variation: variable: fluctuant oil prices. 2. Medicine Capable of being moved or compressed. Used of an abnormal mass such …

Fluctuance - 3 definitions - Encyclo
    Fluctuance is an indication of the presence of pus in a bacterial infection. As the skin gets infected redness and induration develop. The immune system works to fight off the …

Purulence | definition of purulence by Medical dictionary
    The condition of containing or forming pus. [L. purulentia, a festering, fr. pus ( pur- ), pus] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 purulence (pyo͝or′ə-ləns, pyo͝or′yə-) n. …

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