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Why issues raised in Frankenstein still matter 200 years …
    Shelley’s Frankenstein has captured the imaginations of generations, even for those who have never read the tale written by a brilliant 18-year-old woman while on …

The medical technology of "Frankenstein"
    Frankenstein Friday — the last Friday in October each year — celebrates the fictional mad scientist …

In Retrospect: Frankenstein and Medical …
    (PDF) In Retrospect: Frankenstein and Medical Technology | University of Toronto medical journal In Retrospect: Frankenstein and Medical Technology …

The Science That Made Frankenstein | Inside Science
    Wednesday, October 27, 2010. Alan S. Brown, Contributor. (Inside Science) -- It has all the makings of a great monster story: an attempt to draw lightning from the …

Technology, Digital Health and the Frankenstein Syndrome
    What emerges is The Frankenstein Syndrome. A syndrome where technology does something unexpected--it frightens us. And while the bulk of today's digital health …

Frankenstein and the Dangers of Unrestrained Science
    This idea, that science should be pursued for the sake of expanding what is known and what is possible, is exactly the kind of thinking that Mary Shelley’s …

In Retrospect: Frankenstein and Medical Technology
    Frankenstein’s fateful experiment -- the anima- ence’s social dimension, with important lessons for medical tion of his cadaveric construction -- is necessary to create his …

The Role of Science in "Frankenstein" by …
    The tragic example of Victor Frankenstein serves to generally highlight the danger of man’s unbridled thirst for knowledge, a science without morality; however, a deeper …

‘Frankenstein’ and medical research, …
    Each day of the forum will begin with a 30-minute reception prior to the 7 p.m. (2 p.m. Sunday) start time, and a performance from the celebrated adaptation of …

Technology, Healthcare and the Frankenstein Syndrome
    The Eccerobot, having muscles and bones — forearm rotators and shoulder blades — will allow for complex movements. Copying the mechanics of our intricate …

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