At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about French Foreign Legion Medical Disqualifiers. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Medical tests in the French Foreign Legion
    The SIGYCOP is a medical profile, determining the medical aptitude of a candidate willing to join the French Army (or the French Foreign Legion in our case). After a medical visit, the military doctor gives a score of 1 to 6 (except P: from 0 to 5) to each of the seven components of the SIGYCOP. The seven number together will represent your medical profile.

Medical Disqualifications? | a French Foreign Legion Forum
    If you visit the Legion website (the French version), there's a lot more detailed information about the medicals than in the English version... And the Anciens …

Medical conditions | Légion étrangère
    A definitive physical decrease, a chronic disease currently active and / or under treatment. Examples: Tuberculosis, Hepatitis (s), Cancer, HIV, Diabetes, Psychiatric pathology …

Joining | French Foreign Legion Information
    Eyesight: French Foreign Legion vision requirements be sure you have healthy teeth (or treated) maximum number of missing teeth allowed is 4 to 6 …

Physical conditions | Légion étrangère
    PHYSICAL CONDITIONS: On the day of your arrival at the Foreign Legion information post, you must be medically fit to perform the physical fitness tests. Be physically fit to serve …

A question related to medical requirements of the French …
    A question related to medical requirements of the French Foreign Legion. To get right into it; the US military has recently revised their tattoo regulations, and due to that I am unable …

What can disqualify entry into the French Foreign Legion?
    The French Foreign Legion was never disbanded. The 1st REP of the Legion was disbanded for its part in the Generals Pusch of 1961. Likewise, the Legions withdrawal from Algeria …

Medical Disqualifications? | Page 5 - a French Foreign Legion …
    a French Foreign Legion Forum. Welcome! Register a free account today to become a member! Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site by adding …

What are the medical disqualifications at the french foreign legion ...
    The French Foreign Legion used be known for it's "silent" and "non-politically correct" fighting men. They were quiet unknowns (MEN WITH SHADY PASTS), that had …

French foreign legion medical| French foreign legion …
    French foreign legion medical| French foreign legion medical disqualifications| French army Nepali.

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