At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Frequency Medical Term Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Frequency | definition of frequency by Medical dictionary
    frequency. [ fre´kwen-se] 1. the number of occurrences of a periodic or recurrent process in a unit of time, such as the number of electrical cycles per second measured in hertz. In cardiac pacing terminology, frequency is expressed by the …

Frequency Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    plural frequencies 1 : the fact or condition of happening often 2 : how often something happens : rate of repetition 3 : the number of repetitions of a periodic process in a unit of …

Frequencies | definition of frequencies by Medical dictionary
    frequency [ fre´kwen-se] 1. the number of occurrences of a periodic or recurrent process in a unit of time, such as the number of electrical cycles per second measured in hertz. In …

Medical Terms and Abbreviations: Merriam-Webster …
    Medical Terms and Abbreviations: Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary Est. 1828 Medical Dictionary Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from …

Frequent urination - Mayo Clinic
    By Mayo Clinic Staff. Frequent urination is the need to urinate more often than what's normal for you. You may be passing more urine than usual or only small …

Radio frequency | definition of radio frequency by …
    2. the number of occurrences of a particular event or the number of members of a population or statistical sample falling in a particular class. 3. relative frequency. …

Urinary frequency | definition of urinary frequency by …
    2. the number of occurrences of a particular event or the number of members of a population or statistical sample falling in a particular class. 3. relative frequency. radio frequency the …

Medication Abbreviation Frequencies for Administration …
    Frequencies refer to the amount of times something should be completed or administered. For example, frequency abbreviations in nursing can be used to describe …

Medication Frequency Codes
    BID . Twice a day : BIW . Twice a week . CI . Continuous infusion . HS . At bedtime . OTO . One time only . PRN . As needed . QH . Every hour . Q12H . Every 12 hours

Dosage Frequency: Frequency of Taking Medicine
    How often you should take any medicine is called frequency in respect of medication. For example, your doctor may ask you to take medicine once a day or twice a day. Your doctor may write this in …

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