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Frottage | definition of frottage by Medical dictionary
    frottage. (frô-täzh′) n. a. The act of rubbing against or touching the body of an unsuspecting person, as in a crowd, to attain sexual gratification. b. The act of consensual rubbing between two or more people, either clothed or unclothed, to attain …

Frottage Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    noun. frot· tage frȯ-ˈtäzh. 1. : the technique of creating a design by rubbing (as with a pencil) over an object placed underneath the paper. also : a composition so made. 2. …

Frotteuristic Disorder | Psychology Today
    Frotteuristic disorder, or frotteurism, is one of several paraphilias, or sexually arousing disorders. It is the act of touching or rubbing one's genitals up against another …

Frottage (sexology) | definition of Frottage (sexology) by …
    All rights reserved. A paraphilia consisting of recurrent, intense sexual urges involving surreptitiously rubbing one’s genitals against a nonconsenting person. Frotteurism …

Frottage - definition of frottage by The Free Dictionary
    frot•tage (frɔˈtɑʒ) n. 1. a technique in the visual arts of obtaining textural effects or images by rubbing lead, chalk, charcoal, etc., over paper laid on a granular or relieflike surface. 2. …

Frottage |
    The term frottage, from the French verb frotter (to rub), refers to sex that involves rubbing the genitals on different parts of another person's body, usually with the partners …

Frot | definition of Frot by Medical dictionary
    Frot | definition of Frot by Medical dictionary Frot Also found in: Wikipedia . The popular short form for frotter—from the French word meaning ‘to rub’—referring to non …

Frot Meaning - YouTube
    To publicly rub one's genitals against someone for sexual gratification, especially without the other's consent or knowledge. (In this sense it is related to frotteurism and not …

Frotteurism - Wikipedia
    Frotteurism is a paraphilic interest in rubbing, usually one's pelvic area or erect penis, against a non-consenting person for sexual pleasure. It may involve touching any part of …

Frottage - Wikipedia
    Frottage may refer to: Frottage, sexual rubbing; non-penetrative sex. Frot, male-on-male non-penetrative sex; Tribadism, female-on-female non-penetrative sex; Frottage (art), …

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