At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Gallops Medical Meaning. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Gallops | definition of gallops by Medical dictionary
    gal·lop. , gallop rhythm ( gal'ŏp, ridh'ŭm) A triple cadence to the heart sounds due to an abnormal third or fourth heart sound being heard in addition to the first and second sounds; sometimes indicative of serious disease. Synonym (s): cantering rhythm, Traube bruit.

Gallop | definition of gallop by Medical dictionary
    gal·lop. , gallop rhythm ( gal'ŏp, ridh'ŭm) A triple cadence to the heart sounds due to an abnormal third or fourth heart sound being heard in addition to the first and second …

Gallop rhythm Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    noun. : an abnormal heart rhythm marked by the occurrence of three distinct sounds in each heartbeat like the sound of a galloping horse.

Gallops - definition of gallops by The Free Dictionary
    v.i. 1. to ride a horse at a gallop; ride at full speed. 2. to run rapidly by leaps, as a horse; go at a gallop. 3. to go fast, race, or hurry, as a person or time. v.t. 4. to cause (a horse or …

The Auscultation Assistant - Rubs and Gallops
    Rubs, Gallops, and Continuous Murmurs You are listening to a typical example of a third heart sound, or S3. Shortly after S2, the closing of the semilunar valves, the AV valves …

Gallop Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    The meaning of GALLOP is to progress or ride at a gallop. How to use gallop in a sentence.

Gallop - definition of gallop by The Free Dictionary
    gallop. ( ˈgӕləp) noun. (a period of riding at) the fastest pace of a horse. He took the horse out for a gallop; The horse went off at a gallop. galope. verb. 1. (of a horse) to move at a …

Regular Rate and Rhythm, with No Murmurs, Rubs, or Gallops
    Regular Rate and Rhythm, with No Murmurs, Rubs, or Gallops ABSTRACT & COMMENTARY Source: Mangione S, Nieman L. JAMA 1997;278(9):717-722. In this …

Gallop Definition & Meaning |
    Gallop definition, to ride a horse at a gallop; ride at full speed: They galloped off to meet their friends. See more.

GALLOP Medical Abbreviation Meaning -
    What is GALLOP meaning in Medical? 1 meaning of GALLOP abbreviation related to Medical: 1. GALLOP. Gait And Lower Limb Observation of Paediatrics. Podiatry.

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