At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Guarantor Medical Meaning. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Guarantor | definition of guarantor by Medical dictionary
- guarantor: ( gar'ăn-tōr ) The patient, caregiver, or entity responsible for payment of the health care bill.
Glossary of billing and insurance terms - Mayo Clinic
- This is the account number of the billing addressee (guarantor) assigned to receive the bill. Refer to this number when contacting Mayo Clinic with questions. Billing addressee …
What is the definition of a guarantor in a medical field?
- Answer (1 of 3): The guarantor is the person who is responsible for the medical bill if all other payment options (e.g., Medicaid, personal health insurance, a driver's motor vehicle …
Glossary of Medical Billing and Insurance Terms | UW …
- Guarantor. The person responsible to pay the bill. The guarantor is always the patient unless the patient is an incapacitated adult or an unemancipated minor (under age 18), in …
What does 'guarantor' mean on a medical bill? - Quora
- Answer (1 of 9): The short answer is -Guarantor is the individual responsible for payment of rendered services if a patient can’t or will not pay for that services. However, the …
Guarantor Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- guarantor: [noun] one that gives a guaranty (see 1guarantee 3).
Guarantor - definition of guarantor by The Free Dictionary
- Define guarantor. guarantor synonyms, guarantor pronunciation, guarantor translation, English dictionary definition of guarantor. n. 1. One, such as a person or corporation, …
What Is an Insurance Guarantor? | Policy Advice
- The definition of a guarantor is “a person or thing that gives or acts as a guarantee.”. There are different fields for guarantors to work in; therefore, several …
Medical Guarantor |
- The median debt in collections is $422. The amount of debt and debt in collections vary by state. For example, in Kansas, 26% have any kind of debt in collections and the median …
How am I considered a guarantor for hospital bill if I did …
- I am currently being sued for a $4000 + hospital bill that I did not sign as the guarantor or anything on. I was not the patient and I did not sign anything. I was only the …
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