At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Gynaecoid Pelvis Medical Dictionary. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Gynecoid pelvis | definition of gynecoid pelvis by Medical …
    gynecoid pelvis the normal female pelvis: a rounded oval pelvis with well rounded anterior and posterior segments. infantile pelvis a generally contracted pelvis with an oval shape, a high sacrum, and inclination of the walls; called also juvenile pelvis. pelvis jus´to ma´jor …

Gynecoid Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    ˈgīn-i-ˌkȯid ˈjin- 1 of the pelvis : having the rounded form typical of the human female The preferred pelvic type for childbirth is the gynecoid pelvis, commonly referred to as the …

Gynaecoid | definition of gynaecoid by Medical dictionary
    2. obstetrics Referring to the shape of the normal female pelvis. Synonym (s): gynaecoid. [ gyneco - + G. eidos, resemblance] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and …

Medical Definition of Gynecoid pelvis - MedicineNet
    Gynecoid means like a woman, womanly, female. The gynecoid pelvis is more delicate, wider than, and not as high as the male pelvis. The angle of the …

Types of Pelvis Shapes: 4 Types and How They Affect …

    Medical Definition of Pelvis, gynecoid - MedicineNet
      Gynecoid means like a woman, womanly, female. The gynecoid pelvis is more delicate, wider and not as high as the male pelvis. The angle of the female …

    Medical Definition of Gynecoid pelvis - RxList
      Gynecoid means like a woman, womanly, female. The gynecoid pelvis is more delicate, wider than, and not as high as the male pelvis. The angle of the female …

    Medical Definition of Pelvis, gynecoid -
      Gynecoid means like a woman, womanly, female. The gynecoid pelvis is more delicate, wider and not as high as the male pelvis. The angle of the female pubic …

    Gynecoid pelvis - definition of gynecoid pelvis by The …
      pel·vis (pĕl′vĭs) The basin-shaped structure in vertebrate animals that joins the spine and lower or hind limbs. In primates, the pelvis is composed of the two hipbones joined to the …

    Gynecoid pelvis -
      The gynecoid pelvis is one that is generally characteristic of a woman in its bone structure and therefore its shape. Gynecoid means like a woman, womanly, female. The …

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