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Gynander Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    gynander: [noun] a mosaic individual made up of diploid female portions of biparental origin and haploid male portions originating from an extra egg or sperm nucleus.

Gynander | definition of gynander by Medical dictionary
    gynander: (ji-nan'der) (ji-) (gi-) [Gr. gyne , woman, + aner , andros , man] Pseudohermaphrodite.

gynander | Taber's Medical Dictionary
    gynander answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.

Gynandrism | definition of gynandrism by Medical dictionary
    gynandrism: [ gi- ] , [ jĭ-nan´drizm ] 1. female pseudohermaphroditism . 2. hermaphroditism . 3. masculinization in a female.

Gynander - definition of Gynander by The Free Dictionary
    Gynander synonyms, Gynander pronunciation, Gynander translation, English dictionary definition of Gynander. n. 1. A plant having the stamens inserted in the pistil. Webster's …

Medical Terminology 6:3 Flashcards | Quizlet
    Toxonosis. tox/o (n)/osis = any disease caused by poisoning. Arthronosos. arthr/o/nosos ? = any disease of joints. Anaphrodisiac. an/aphrodisi/ac = repressing sexual desire. …

Gynander | Article about gynander by The Free Dictionary
    A mosaic individual composed of diploid female portions derived from both parents and haploid male portions derived from an extra egg or sperm nucleus.

Gynandroid | definition of gynandroid by Medical dictionary
    gynandroid: [ gi- ] , [ jĭ-nan´droid ] 1. a hermaphrodite, a female pseudohermaphrodite, or a female exhibiting masculinization. 2. pertaining to or characterized by such a condition.

Gynander: Definition with Gynander Pictures and Photos
    Medical Definition of Gynander. 1. A plant having the stamens inserted in the pistil. See: Gynandrian. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998) Lexicographical Neighbors of …

Gynander | Definition of Gynander by Webster's Online Dictionary
    Gynander explanation. Define Gynander by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream …

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