At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Harvard Medical School C.Elegans. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

C. elegans | Mair Lab | Harvard T.H. Chan …
    C. elegans are 1.5mm long, free living, non-parasitic nematodes commonly found in soil and compost across …

C. elegans | Harvard BBS PhD Program
    Building C, 6th floor, C-643 240 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02115 p: 617-432-2845 Monica P. Colaiácovo Associate Director, …

T. Keith Blackwell | Genetics - Harvard University
    Professor of Genetics, Joslin Diabetes Center. My laboratory uses the nematode C. elegans to study specific gene regulatory mechanisms that are important for cell development or …

    RNA interference in the animal C. elegans is highly ramified and represents the RNAi ancestral state common to plants and fungi, with particular Argonaute and RNA …

Keith Blackwell, M.D., Ph.D. | Harvard Stem …
    Using the model organism C. elegans, we study how regulatory pathways that are important in growth control influence stress defenses and aging, as well as …

Kennedy Lab — Harvard Medical School
    We recently conducted proteomic and genetic analyses that identified additional components of the C. elegans nuclear RNAi machinery. One factor identified by these studies …

A Drop of Insight | Harvard Medical School
    Using the tiny worm Caenorhabditis elegans, a simple and powerful model for uncovering the fundamental workings of epigenetic inheritance, Harvard Medical …

Samuel, Zhen, and Venkatachalam Labs Observe C.
    Samuel, Zhen, and Venkatachalam Labs Observe C. elegans Brain in Action. Harvard MCB Department News article on new research from the lab Aravi Samuel, first author …

Ausubel Lab - Center for Computational and …
    Because C. elegans are small and fit easily in 384-well microtitre plates, we have developed automated high throughput chemical screens for compounds that block …

C. elegans -
    C. elegans Professor of Genetics My lab studies how organisms defend against environmental and metabolic stresses, and how these stress defenses influence aging.

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